How To Get A Permit To Move A Mobile Home?

How To Get A Permit To Move A Mobile Home

There are a few ways to get a permit to move a mobile home.

One of the most common is if you plan on moving it within your property. If this is the case, make sure that you have an engineer inspect the site before and after construction for safety purposes.

You will need to have approval from your local zoning board as well as any utility companies that may be affected by the move.

In some cases, depending on where you live, there may be specific requirements such as having a certain amount of land or being able to provide water access for firefighting equipment to obtain permits so always check with your municipality first! 

If you plan on moving your mobile home across town or state lines then do not forget about all the necessary permits you will need.

This includes a permit to travel with your home which can be obtained through the Department of Transportation or at certain weigh stations that are found throughout the country.

You will also want to obtain a permit from your local city, county, or state municipality for road usage per mile as well as obtaining an issued route marker for moving your mobile home.

Remember if you plan on hiring someone else to move your mobile home then there are certain requirements they must meet to obtain their special permits so always check with them before moving forward!

*This article is meant only as informational and is not intended to replace legal advice. Please follow all rules and laws stated by local municipalities when applying for any type of permit.*

Steps To Get Permit For Move a Mobile Home

steps to get a permit to move a mobile home

If you’re looking to find out how to get a permit to move a mobile home, then follow these steps to get a permit to move your mobile home from one place to the next!

We’ll break down all of the steps that you need to relocate your favorite living space.

All that’s left is for you to follow these simple instructions and soon enough, you’ll be moving into your new place with ease!

1. Make Sure You Have a Solid Plan

Before you begin the process of getting a permit, it’s important to have all your ducks in a row and that starts with having a solid plan for moving your mobile home.

You’ll want to make sure that you know where you will be relocating the mobile home and how this new location works for your needs.

If these things aren’t decided yet, it’s okay! But make sure to keep them in mind when going through the rest of this process so that nothing gets missed or forgotten about which can help save time and money in the end!

2. Obtain Approval from Your Local Zoning Board

Because mobile homes are considered real estate, they’re subject to zoning rules and regulations. Because of this, you’ll need to have your local zoning board approve the move before moving on! 

Depending on where you live, there may be additional requirements that must be met such as having a certain amount of land or being able to provide water access for firefighting equipment to obtain permits so always check with your municipality first!

3. Obtain Approval From Utility Companies

If there is major construction taking place at the location where you will be relocating the mobile home then remember that utility companies must also give their approval before any big moves take place! 

There’s nothing worse than getting all set up and ready to go when suddenly your electricity gets shut off because you didn’t get approval from the utility companies in time!

You will need to contact them yourself and obtain permission before any permits are issued so always check ahead of time and avoid any major setbacks!

4. Request a Permit from Your Local City, County, or State Municipality

After determining where you will be moving your mobile home and getting approval from necessary parties such as your local zonings board and utility companies then it’s time for you to request a permit to move your mobile home from your municipality (city/county/state). 

This may not be required depending on where you live but if there is construction taking place then they may require that this step must be completed first to complete their job safely and properly.

If this is required, be sure to request the permit at least two weeks before your move takes place to give them plenty of time to process and approve your application.

5. Request a Route Marker for Your Move

After receiving word that your mobile home relocation permit has been approved then you’ll need to contact your transportation company so that they can put together an official route marker for you which will let others know where the mobile home is allowed to be moved! 

Don’t forget about this step as you don’t want there to be any confusion on where exactly the mobile home can go!

6. Get Ready for Your Big Move!

After completing all of these steps then you’re finally ready to get to move your mobile home! 

Assuming that the entire route has been set up, the permit has been issued and approved, and your transportation company is ready to go – it’s time for you to start packing up boxes or hiring movers so that no time is wasted once the move begins. 

Be sure to do a walkthrough first to document any damages so you can deal with them afterwards as well as take down your phone number just in case anyone needs to contact you!

Related Article: What Is Age Limit On Moving A Mobile Home?

7. Pay Your Fees & Get Moving!

After completing almost everything on this checklist then it’s finally time for you to pay the fees owed for taking out this permit and begin moving your mobile home to your new location! 

Be sure to save any documents which you’ll need for the steps ahead as well as take down your municipality’s phone number just in case of any trouble along the way.

Also Read: How To Remove A Mobile Home?

8. Get Permits for Your New Home Location

Once you’ve moved into your new location then it’s time to get permits to have your mobile home situated on the land that you will be living on. 

Local municipalities can help you with this requirement so talk with them about what kind of permits are needed and how much they cost so that you can plan accordingly.

9. Register Your Mobile Home

Depending on where you live, there may be rules or regulations regarding registering a mobile home so check with your local municipality to see what steps are required for you to complete this task. 

Check all of the laws thoroughly before moving your mobile home so that you don’t run into trouble down the road!

10. Relax & Get Settled In!

Whew, after completing all of these steps then it’s time to take a break and relax as well as start getting settled in your new location! 

Get rid of any trash or items which aren’t needed anymore, unpack boxes one by one, and enjoy living in your brand new mobile home on your brand new piece of land.

Wrap Up

If you’re considering a move, the first step is to get your permit. Here’s how.  

  1. Find out where your new home will be located and call the County Office of Planning and Development (OPD). They’ll need information about the lot size, zoning restrictions, building codes for that area, etc.
  2. Fill out an application with them; this includes submitting proof of ownership or rental agreement as well as paying fees depending on what type of permit you are applying for
  3. The OPD representative will then come to inspect the property and complete any necessary paperwork
  4. Finally, they’ll send all documentation off to the Washington State Department of Transportation who will issue final approval before issuing a permit.

Once approved by WSDOT, they’ll give you a route marker that will allow your transportation company to move the mobile home on public roadways.

Ruby Nicholls

I am a traveling journalist and content creator, in love with the world of Mobile Homes & RVs. I spend my time filling up on new adventures, and sharing them with you so you can feel inspired to travel too! Every experience is different and at the end, we are all tourists of our own lives.

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