How To Dump RV Tanks at Home?

Dump RV Tanks at Home

If you’re like most RVers, you probably dread the thought of dumping your tanks at a campground.

Not only is it an unsanitary job, but it can also be smelly and inconvenient. But what if there was a way to dump your tanks at home without any fuss or mess?

Well, there is! In this post, we’ll show you how to do it easily and safely at home.

Steps to Dump RV Tanks at Home?

Follow these simple steps to dump your RV tanks at home:

  1. Find a level spot on your property where you can park your RV. It’s important that the ground is level so that your tanks can drain properly.
  2. Place a large piece of cardboard or a tarp beneath your RV to catch any runoff.
  3. Connect your RV to a water supply. This can be done by connecting a hose to a faucet or outdoor spigot.
  4. Open all the faucets in your RV, including the ones in the bathroom and kitchen.
  5. Turn on the water pump in your RV and let the water run through the system for a few minutes.
  6. Open the black water tank valve and let the tank empty into an approved dumping container.
  7. Once the tank is empty, close the valve and flush the tank with fresh water from your hose.
  8. Repeat this process for the gray water tank.
  9. Once both tanks are empty and flushed, disconnect your RV from the water supply and close all the faucets.

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And that’s it! Dumping your RV tanks at home is easy and convenient, and it’ll save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.

What kind of tanks does your RV have and how do they work?

Most RVs have two tanks:

  1. Black water tank
  2. Grey water tank

The black water tank is for sewage, and the grey water tank is for dishwasher and shower water. Each tank has its own valve, which is opened to empty the contents.

Black Water Tank: The black water tank is usually the larger of the two, as it needs to accommodate more waste. It’s also the most difficult to empty, as you need to be careful not to spill any sewage.

Grey Water Tank: The grey water tank is much easier to empty, as there’s no risk of spillage. Just open the valve and let the water drain into a container or the ground.

Once the tank is empty, close the valve and flush the system with fresh water from your hose. This will help to remove any residue and keep your tanks clean.

Tips for Avoiding Spills & Messes While Dumping RV Tanks

Tips for Dumping RV Tanks at Home

When you’re dumping your RV tanks, it’s important to be careful to avoid any spills or messes. Here are some tips to help you do this:

1. Use an approved dumping container

When emptying your black water tank, be sure to use an approved dumping container, such as a five-gallon bucket with a lid. This will help to avoid any spills or messes.

2. Flush the tanks with fresh water

After you’ve emptied both tanks, be sure to flush them with fresh water from your hose. This will help to remove any residue and keep your tanks clean.

3. Close all valves tightly

Once you’re finished dumping your tanks, be sure to close all the valves tightly. This will prevent any leaks or accidents.

4. Disconnect from the water supply

Remember to disconnect your RV from the water supply when you’re finished. This will avoid any accidents or messes.

5. Clean up any spillage

If you do happen to spill anything, be sure to clean it up immediately. This will help to avoid any accidents.

What to do if you encounter a problem while dumping your tanks?

If you have any problems while dumping your RV tanks, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Check the valves: First, check to make sure that all the valves are closed tightly. This will prevent any leaks or accidents.
  2. Disconnect from the water supply: If you’re still having problems, disconnect your RV from the water supply and try again. This will help to avoid any messes.
  3. Call a professional: If you’re still having trouble, call a professional for help. They’ll be able to help you solve the problem and avoid any further issues.

How often should you dump your RV tanks, and what should you do with the waste afterwards?

You should dump your RV tanks at least once a week, and more often if you’re using them frequently.

The waste can be disposed of in a septic tank, or you can take it to an RV dump station. If you’re using a septic tank, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper disposal.

If you’re taking the waste to an RV dump station, be sure to call ahead and find out what their procedures are. Most RV dump stations will have a fee for dumping your tanks, so be sure to ask about this before you go.

RV dumping can be a messy and smelly task, but it’s important to do it regularly to avoid any problems. By following these tips, you can make the process as easy and hassle-free as possible.

FAQS About Dump RV Tanks at Home

Can you empty your black tank at home?

Yes, you can empty your black tank at home according to rules of, but you need to be careful to avoid any spills or messes.

The best way to do this is to use an approved dumping container, such as a five-gallon bucket with a lid.

Can you hook up an RV to a house sewer?

Yes, you can hook up an RV to a house sewer, but you need to be sure that the connection is secure and there are no leaks.

You also need to be sure that the house sewer can handle the additional waste.

How often should you dump your grey water tank?

You should dump your grey water tank at least once a week, and more often if you’re using it frequently. The best way to do this is to use an RV dump station.

How long does it take to fill a 40-gallon black tank?

It typically takes about two to three days to fill a 40-gallon black tank. This will vary depending on how often you use it and how much water you use each time.

Is it OK to leave the GREY tank open?

It’s not recommended to leave the grey tank open for extended periods of time, as this can lead to odors and pests.

If you need to leave it open for a short period of time, be sure to close it when you’re finished using it.

Final Words

When you’re finished using your RV for the season, it’s time to dump the tanks. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while empty your RV tanks at home without having to go at dump station. 

RV tanks should be dumped when they are about 1/3 full to avoid overfilling and spilling tank contents. When dumping RV tanks, always use a sewer hose kit and never dump wastewater into the ground.

The easiest way is probably just to use a sewer hose and connect it right up to the inlet on your house. Make sure you have a good seal and use plenty of water pressure when flushing out the tanks or they could back up into your house!

Shane Rosas

Shane Rosas is a touring journalist and a New York Times Best Selling author. I'm a nomadic journalist, writing and broadcasting stories of the people and culture that I meet during my travels.

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